WoW Pre-Patch 2.3 Teil 1

Dies ist der erste Teil des World of Warcraft Patches von v2.2.3 auf v2.3.0 in der deutschen Version. Entpackt die im ZIP-Archiv enthaltene Datei wow-partial-1.MPQ ins Verzeichnis "World of WarCraft / Patches / WoW-2.2.3-to-2.3.0-deDE-Win-patch" welches vermutlich noch erstellt werden muss, falls Ihr den Blizzard Downloader noch nicht laufen gelassen habt. Den letzten Teil des Patches wird Blizzard demnächst veröffentlichen.


World of Warcraft Pre-Patch 2.2.0 DE

Die ersten zwei Teile des kommenden Patches 2.2.0 für World of Warcraft bekommt Ihr nun auch bei uns!

Zu den Downloads:
World of Warcraft Pre-Patch 2.2.0 Download – Teil 1
World of Warcraft Pre-Patch 2.2.0 Download – Teil 2

World of Warcraft Patach 2.1.3 auf 2.2.0 Teil 1

World of Warcraft Patach 2.1.3 auf 2.2.0 Teil 1Dies ist der erste Teil des World of Warcraft Patches von v2.1.3 auf v2.2.0
in der deutschen Version. Entpackt die im ZIP-Archiv enthaltene Datei
wow-partial-1.MPQ ins Verzeichnis "World of WarCraft / Patches /
WoW-2.1.3-to-2.2.0-deDE-Win-patch" welches vermutlich noch erstellt werden
muss, falls Ihr den Blizzard Downloader noch nicht laufen gelassen habt. Die
weiteren Teile des Patches wird Blizzard demnächst veröffentlichen.


World of Warcraft Pre-Patch 2.2 Download – Teil 2

Dies ist der zweite Teil des World of Warcraft Patches von v2.1.3 auf v2.2.0 in der deutschen Version. Entpackt die im ZIP-Archiv enthaltene Datei wow-partial-2.MPQ ins Verzeichnis "World of WarCraft / Patches / WoW-2.1.3-to-2.2.0-deDE-Win-patch" welches vermutlich noch erstellt werden muss, falls Ihr den Blizzard Downloader noch nicht laufen gelassen habt. Die weiteren Teile des Patches wird Blizzard demnächst veröffentlichen.


World of Warcraft Pre-Patch 2.2 Download – Teil 1

Dies ist der erste Teil des World of Warcraft Patches von v2.1.3 auf v2.2.0 in der deutschen Version. Entpackt die im ZIP-Archiv enthaltene Datei wow-partial-1.MPQ ins Verzeichnis "World of WarCraft / Patches / WoW-2.1.3-to-2.2.0-deDE-Win-patch" welches vermutlich noch erstellt werden muss, falls Ihr den Blizzard Downloader noch nicht laufen gelassen habt. Die weiteren Teile des Patches wird Blizzard demnächst veröffentlichen.


Anderson – Ultimate Patch & Windows Vista Fix


When a gaming company announces an „ultimate“ patch that shall solve all problems at once, it`s quite a good idea to think (and try) twice before believing them. However, the dedicated and blood-sweating amateurs of Homegrown Games did the unbelievable.

This Patch does not only eliminate some bugs, no, it changes the complete game; solving, polishing and fixing almost ALL ISSUES mentioned in reviews and player feedback, and even adding new features – and all this was done during the 5 days since release!!!

Here some Highlights:

– Decreased the annoying loading times to minimum, on some very fast machines even to a point where few (minor) lines of loading text are skipped.
– Complete new balancing, much more easier in the beginning and increasing from chapter to chapter!
– Improved performance on all systems
– Better Rendering and visibility of opponents
– Level design optimized, solvement of puzzles more logical and / or visible (visual hints)
– Better AI for key enemies
– Shadows are now more diffuse, contributing to grim look.
– *NEW* Online Gaming:
Bonus Multiplayer Games „Past, Future, Present“, „Hall of Death“ and „Ticket to Home“ have now full Online gaming support, including portal server! („Clash of the Undead“ is still LAN only)

In fact, the only huge point from reviews left are the animations. Please consider the installation of this patch before testing the game. And if you already wrote a review, I hereby ask you to play again (I know, time is money, but give it a try) and to update your article if your opinion changes – I bet it will!

A readme is attached, and here we go with the links:

(Attention: During Installation, the install Folder of „Anderson“ or the folder where the demo is located has to be selected by hand)

———————– 8<- SCHNIPP —————————–

Hier gehts zum Retail Patch
und hier gehts zum Patch für die Demo

Anderson RETAIL – Ultimate Patch & Windows Vista Fix


When a gaming company announces an "ultimate" patch that shall solve all problems at once, it`s quite a good idea to think (and try) twice before believing them. However, the dedicated and blood-sweating amateurs of Homegrown Games did the unbelievable.

This Patch does not only eliminate some bugs, no, it changes the complete game; solving, polishing and fixing almost ALL ISSUES mentioned in reviews and player feedback, and even adding new features – and all this was done during the 5 days since release!!!

Here some Highlights:

– Decreased the annoying loading times to minimum, on some very fast machines even to a point where few (minor) lines of loading text are skipped.
– Complete new balancing, much more easier in the beginning and increasing from chapter to chapter!
– Improved performance on all systems
– Better Rendering and visibility of opponents
– Level design optimized, solvement of puzzles more logical and / or visible (visual hints)
– Better AI for key enemies
– Shadows are now more diffuse, contributing to grim look.
– *NEW* Online Gaming:
Bonus Multiplayer Games "Past, Future, Present", "Hall of Death" and "Ticket to Home" have now full Online gaming support, including portal server! ("Clash of the Undead" is still LAN only)

In fact, the only huge point from reviews left are the animations. Please consider the installation of this patch before testing the game. And if you already wrote a review, I hereby ask you to play again (I know, time is money, but give it a try) and to update your article if your opinion changes – I bet it will!

A readme is attached, and here we go with the links:<br>

(Attention: During Installation, the install Folder of "Anderson" or the folder where the demo is located has to be selected by hand)

Download Anderson_Retail_Patch_v102.exe

Anderson DEMO – Ultimate Patch & Windows Vista Fix


When a gaming company announces an "ultimate" patch that shall solve all problems at once, it`s quite a good idea to think (and try) twice before believing them. However, the dedicated and blood-sweating amateurs of Homegrown Games did the unbelievable.

This Patch does not only eliminate some bugs, no, it changes the complete game; solving, polishing and fixing almost ALL ISSUES mentioned in reviews and player feedback, and even adding new features – and all this was done during the 5 days since release!!!

Here some Highlights:

– Decreased the annoying loading times to minimum, on some very fast machines even to a point where few (minor) lines of loading text are skipped.
– Complete new balancing, much more easier in the beginning and increasing from chapter to chapter!
– Improved performance on all systems
– Better Rendering and visibility of opponents
– Level design optimized, solvement of puzzles more logical and / or visible (visual hints)
– Better AI for key enemies
– Shadows are now more diffuse, contributing to grim look.
– *NEW* Online Gaming:
Bonus Multiplayer Games "Past, Future, Present", "Hall of Death" and "Ticket to Home" have now full Online gaming support, including portal server! ("Clash of the Undead" is still LAN only)

In fact, the only huge point from reviews left are the animations. Please consider the installation of this patch before testing the game. And if you already wrote a review, I hereby ask you to play again (I know, time is money, but give it a try) and to update your article if your opinion changes – I bet it will!

A readme is attached, and here we go with the links:<br>

(Attention: During Installation, the install Folder of "Anderson" or the folder where the demo is located has to be selected by hand)

Download Anderson_DEMO_Patch_v102.exe

Playstation: Veröffentlichungen 07/2007

Hier die aktuelle Product-Releaseliste von Sony Computer Entertainment Deutschland.

Juli 2007

Gangs of London


SCE WWS London Studio




Overlord im Handel und Trailer online

Overlord im Handel und Trailer onlineWer glaubt, dass die Welt einen Helden braucht, sieht sich in Overlord getäuscht: Als wundervoll despotischer Bösewicht macht sich der Spieler auf, die Herrschaft über ein viel zu friedliches Reich zu erlangen. Ihm zur Seite stehen dabei die Schergen. Hat der Spieler zu Beginn nur wenige dieser stets loyalen Kreaturen zur Verfügung, so gewinnt er im Laufe seines Abenteuers an Macht und Stärke und kann eine ganze Schergen-Armee befehligen.

Natürlich benötigt ein echter Fiesling auch entsprechende Ausrüstung. Auf ihren Beutezügen finden die Schergen Schätze und Metalle, die im dunklen Turm des Overlords zu prunkvollen Rüstungen und mächtigen Waffen geschmiedet werden können. Selbstlos, wie die Schergen sind, lassen sie sich sogar opfern: Einige dutzend rote Schergen machen aus einem herkömmlichen Schwert eine beeindruckende Flammenklinge.

Um als Symbol des Schreckens Angst und Panik im Reich zu verbreiten, muss der Overlord seinen dunklen Turm wieder zu alter Pracht aufbauen. Der Thronsaal des Overlords dient als Portal in alle Regionen des Reichs. Besiegte Gegner werden in den Kellergewölben des Turms gefangen gehalten, um vom Overlord unter frenetischem Jubel der Schergen in Kampf-Übungen erniedrigt zu werden. In den persönlichen Gemächern des Overlords wartet schließlich seine Mätresse, um für das Wohlbefinden des dunklen Fürstes zwischen zwei Raubzügen zu sorgen. Es bedeutet harte Arbeit, ein echter Bösewicht zu werden.

Hier gehts zum Overlord Trailer