Anderson RETAIL – Ultimate Patch & Windows Vista Fix


When a gaming company announces an "ultimate" patch that shall solve all problems at once, it`s quite a good idea to think (and try) twice before believing them. However, the dedicated and blood-sweating amateurs of Homegrown Games did the unbelievable.

This Patch does not only eliminate some bugs, no, it changes the complete game; solving, polishing and fixing almost ALL ISSUES mentioned in reviews and player feedback, and even adding new features – and all this was done during the 5 days since release!!!

Here some Highlights:

– Decreased the annoying loading times to minimum, on some very fast machines even to a point where few (minor) lines of loading text are skipped.
– Complete new balancing, much more easier in the beginning and increasing from chapter to chapter!
– Improved performance on all systems
– Better Rendering and visibility of opponents
– Level design optimized, solvement of puzzles more logical and / or visible (visual hints)
– Better AI for key enemies
– Shadows are now more diffuse, contributing to grim look.
– *NEW* Online Gaming:
Bonus Multiplayer Games "Past, Future, Present", "Hall of Death" and "Ticket to Home" have now full Online gaming support, including portal server! ("Clash of the Undead" is still LAN only)

In fact, the only huge point from reviews left are the animations. Please consider the installation of this patch before testing the game. And if you already wrote a review, I hereby ask you to play again (I know, time is money, but give it a try) and to update your article if your opinion changes – I bet it will!

A readme is attached, and here we go with the links:<br>

(Attention: During Installation, the install Folder of "Anderson" or the folder where the demo is located has to be selected by hand)

Download Anderson_Retail_Patch_v102.exe

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